
H20 2008

I'm going to update this later for a full story, but I figured I'd drop this for now so that at least we can get a picture story of the weekend:


Edit will follow.......

EDIT: I had to get some downtime in after today's driving. Matter of fact, I backed out of Shad's invite to watch the Skins game this afternoon. Apologies. I was just too exhausted to go anywhere.

Okay, so without sounding too long winded, I'm going to try and summarize the long weekend up in PA and Oh So Shitty, MD.

Thursday started off pretty money. I'm assuming that everyone saw the pictures and you're probably wondering who the lost member of ZZ Top is. Well, that's David. A local from that area, which is somewhat a good indication of the wondering folks of Fairfield, PA. But, David was a good man, albeit incomprehensible. He was the PA Boomhauer. But, overall a nice guy. We ended up playing darts w/ him and some of his cronies. Kinda felt bad for dude because he was utterly HAMMERED and he had to drive home. He kinda had some times of emotion when he got quiet, not sure if it was about life or whatever. But meeting people like him can be hard. You always want to know at which point in their life they came to that fork and they took one way and not the other. I almost would like to interview someone like that (on a more sober level) just to see more about their history.

Fridee was awesome catching up with Michaela and Sophia. I wish I could spend more time with them because Jenn told me something that kinda stuck w/ me. That Michaela (and Sophia probably will) thinks the world of me. That's kinda a dagger to hear because it makes the male biological clock tick a bit louder. But it is always a good time to hang out with them. It's fun being a soon to be 5 year old.

We got up to Ocean City around 6 or so, I checked in and then Mike and Jenn went to their spot. I had to jump right into some all you can eat crab legs. Phillips got a hurtin' put on it as there was 5 of us, then Nate and Big Country showed up. No pics of that place because my hands were all nasty.

Fridee night was ill, look at the pics. There was a $360 bar tab w/ the Audi Tech crew, and then ours was another almost $100 between us all. No puking, which was awesome, ended the night at about 3:30 when I got back to the hotel room.

Saturdee was recoup day. Met Mike, George and Jenn squared at their place and chilled and watched football most of the afternoon. Then came an emotional dagger going with Mike to the Corrado meet up that way. I've never missed my car so much. Even the guy that has my taillights and cupholder said my car was awesome. Sucks to hear that, but good to see my handywork is still around. I've solidified the fact that I will own another one someday. During the night we ended up at some AARP spot to watch the Tech game for Mike. Ended up being a great game and definitely nice to have a chill night after Friday.

But, we're definitely going to make this an annual thing, provided Jenn can stay non-pregnant. Course, lord knows when I'll have kids, so you never know. =/

I wasn't too sure how to close this blog w/ music since I didn't have much of a musical weekend, which is weird for being in a car the whole damn time. But 2nd Jenn and I got to talking about hair bands and I voted for this band based off of the strength of one song:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, take those pictures of me off there! I thought we had an agreement that you wouldn't post the pics with me in them. Nerd! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take the pics off, they are so bad.
PS- Great time at H20, I'm up for next year.