
This one's dedicated to other people......

Trying something a bit different here as this was a rather social weekend, however, the drama was extra high. I won't name names out of respect (or me catching a right hook). This might get a bit sappy, but I interacted with most of the people that I care about in this life. No order, by the way:

The one that's always had my back, the new one, the one that taught me about feelings again, the sarcastic one, the litigious one, and the mechanical one.

I tried to be somewhat vague so that the few readers that do follow this can figure out who they might be. Dunno if it'll work out, but blah, I just wanted to thank those people. Not sure what exactly started this, but I do feel better that it's off my chest.

Sooooooooooooooo, now that the sap's over, we can keep it movin'. So I've finally buckled and got myself a decent camera this weekend. Mad cised about this actually. So with that being said, you'll start to see more of a visual blog, along w/ the audio as well. There's even a YouTube function on the damn thing, but we all know about my experience with YT. I stay gettin' slapped.

But, I gotta cut this a bit short, pops is hollering about bed. This whole staying here arrangement is beginning to wear on me........

Cold weather being upon us, this one's going to Twan. "Accessories, my closet's Pet Semetary"

No video, but this song is ASS without the cursing. Enjoy.

PS - And to you, don't let it get to you, it wouldn't be worth it. I should take you out shooting though.....


AC said...

You got pets? Me too Mines are dead...

AC said...

Man, that track is good and terrible. The level of ignorance is what really does it.

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwww...who would've tought i was going to have so much fun "spending time w/ur "love ones"...lol
i was very intregue to meet ur new Michelle bc well we both kno the reasons i have to say no wonder u like us so much we have tons in common..lol..