
Sittin' here watching the top 100 rap songs from VH1....

This is going to be a total music post, some cool tracks of note that have come up from the first 30:

Only because I can't find a fucking YouTube link:
Click and be surprised, you'll start groovin' guaranteed.

And lastly, I saw this video today and forgot how great this track is:

I love songs like this, and especially a great video that compliments. So simple, brings things back to a simple time. Tracks like this fuel the argument that De La will always be better than Tribe. Sorry if you're mad. :o

So I came to the realization that I have to stop teh reckless spending. Amazing how this damn check card has changed my life. The convenience is almost too much. Given times like these, it's time that I tie up some loose financial ends so to speak. So I'm going to place a moratorium on a lot of the spending and just try and focus on day to day life. I don't need more shoes, I don't need more tees or anything like that. I have enough scarves, and well, music, heh, I don't have to worry about that much anymore either. I might cop that Ironman DVD though. :o Dinner out and about? Maybe. But other than that, that's going to be it. Anyone else with me?


H20 2008

I'm going to update this later for a full story, but I figured I'd drop this for now so that at least we can get a picture story of the weekend:


Edit will follow.......

EDIT: I had to get some downtime in after today's driving. Matter of fact, I backed out of Shad's invite to watch the Skins game this afternoon. Apologies. I was just too exhausted to go anywhere.

Okay, so without sounding too long winded, I'm going to try and summarize the long weekend up in PA and Oh So Shitty, MD.

Thursday started off pretty money. I'm assuming that everyone saw the pictures and you're probably wondering who the lost member of ZZ Top is. Well, that's David. A local from that area, which is somewhat a good indication of the wondering folks of Fairfield, PA. But, David was a good man, albeit incomprehensible. He was the PA Boomhauer. But, overall a nice guy. We ended up playing darts w/ him and some of his cronies. Kinda felt bad for dude because he was utterly HAMMERED and he had to drive home. He kinda had some times of emotion when he got quiet, not sure if it was about life or whatever. But meeting people like him can be hard. You always want to know at which point in their life they came to that fork and they took one way and not the other. I almost would like to interview someone like that (on a more sober level) just to see more about their history.

Fridee was awesome catching up with Michaela and Sophia. I wish I could spend more time with them because Jenn told me something that kinda stuck w/ me. That Michaela (and Sophia probably will) thinks the world of me. That's kinda a dagger to hear because it makes the male biological clock tick a bit louder. But it is always a good time to hang out with them. It's fun being a soon to be 5 year old.

We got up to Ocean City around 6 or so, I checked in and then Mike and Jenn went to their spot. I had to jump right into some all you can eat crab legs. Phillips got a hurtin' put on it as there was 5 of us, then Nate and Big Country showed up. No pics of that place because my hands were all nasty.

Fridee night was ill, look at the pics. There was a $360 bar tab w/ the Audi Tech crew, and then ours was another almost $100 between us all. No puking, which was awesome, ended the night at about 3:30 when I got back to the hotel room.

Saturdee was recoup day. Met Mike, George and Jenn squared at their place and chilled and watched football most of the afternoon. Then came an emotional dagger going with Mike to the Corrado meet up that way. I've never missed my car so much. Even the guy that has my taillights and cupholder said my car was awesome. Sucks to hear that, but good to see my handywork is still around. I've solidified the fact that I will own another one someday. During the night we ended up at some AARP spot to watch the Tech game for Mike. Ended up being a great game and definitely nice to have a chill night after Friday.

But, we're definitely going to make this an annual thing, provided Jenn can stay non-pregnant. Course, lord knows when I'll have kids, so you never know. =/

I wasn't too sure how to close this blog w/ music since I didn't have much of a musical weekend, which is weird for being in a car the whole damn time. But 2nd Jenn and I got to talking about hair bands and I voted for this band based off of the strength of one song:


This one's dedicated to other people......

Trying something a bit different here as this was a rather social weekend, however, the drama was extra high. I won't name names out of respect (or me catching a right hook). This might get a bit sappy, but I interacted with most of the people that I care about in this life. No order, by the way:

The one that's always had my back, the new one, the one that taught me about feelings again, the sarcastic one, the litigious one, and the mechanical one.

I tried to be somewhat vague so that the few readers that do follow this can figure out who they might be. Dunno if it'll work out, but blah, I just wanted to thank those people. Not sure what exactly started this, but I do feel better that it's off my chest.

Sooooooooooooooo, now that the sap's over, we can keep it movin'. So I've finally buckled and got myself a decent camera this weekend. Mad cised about this actually. So with that being said, you'll start to see more of a visual blog, along w/ the audio as well. There's even a YouTube function on the damn thing, but we all know about my experience with YT. I stay gettin' slapped.

But, I gotta cut this a bit short, pops is hollering about bed. This whole staying here arrangement is beginning to wear on me........

Cold weather being upon us, this one's going to Twan. "Accessories, my closet's Pet Semetary"

No video, but this song is ASS without the cursing. Enjoy.

PS - And to you, don't let it get to you, it wouldn't be worth it. I should take you out shooting though.....


Just because it's so ill

I've always dug this track. Jan Hammer repped hard on this one. I think the best part of of this is the old VH-1 logo. :o

So countdown to O-So-Shitty has begun. One more week and then I'm out. Can't wait to be honest. And I actually get to turn some wrenches this weekend as I'll get to do a few minor things to the car that have been buggin' me.

Things w/ teh Match are so-so. With my usual passive and meh self, I haven't gone on there much to be honest. I do need to step up the activity level. Funny because I'm meh about meeting people out and about, and now even on the internets......


We all know how much I love nostalgia

Even though these aren't THAT old, they still go back a few years. Check out my old Shelltoes and my bamboo necklace!!!

Mad props for Fort for finding these pictures. I'd say they go back to about 2002'ish (?) which is 6 years ago. Doesn't seem like that long ago, but DAMN, we all look mad different. Fort and Brian, I think we all need another trip up to BD's at some point.....

So today, 2 milestones occurred. I bought myself (another) ipod. I don't count the first one as I have ZERO clue where is it, and I think I used it once. Sadly, I spent $150 out of spite. :o See, there's this Persian lady at the gym that works out at the same time that I do. Well, she commandeers the television EVERY time. And to boot, she puts it on Dancing With the Stars. There is nothing worse on television in my humble opinion. So eff her and her stupid show.

This nano thing is MONEY though. Super compact. I have yet to play with it as it has been charging, but it seems pretty slick so far.

The second milestone is definitely a more personal thing. I'm rather open on here, so I'll let it out. I signed up for Match.com today. After some soul searching w/ New Michelle, she gave a solid argument for the site so I decided to take a shot. I don't meet girls out and about that often, so maybe this'll work out well. Shitty thing is that I was happy pre-Rocio but she kinda opened my eyes about being with someone. Even though it's not her, she gave me that warm and fuzzy again, so I guess that's what I'm looking for.

Freaking emotions man, they're like a drug. Now I can understand why people are habitual daters. :o That new feeling is awesome. However, I am on my way out of the door to meet Tee, the elusive Viet girl from Ruby Tuesdays. I'm going to eat, but you never know how things work themselves out.

Sorry Books!!!! I'll get you your email!!!!

Enjoy this randomness:


Sorry, I couldn't hear you....

Over the sound of how awesome I am.

Ah yeah, it's time for a weekend recap. Yeah, it's Tuesday, but no chance I was doing this yesterday, I wasn't doing a damn thing. Thanks go to New Michelle for getting me off my ass.

Long weekends are always a good look. Friday started off straight. We hadn't had a good Fabricated White Night in quite sometime. It might've even gone back as far as May, but we couldn't remember. Wade rolled out and we were on the way. Funny thing? It was pretty beat. I thought there would be more people out and about, but we were wrong. We did get to catch up w/ Timmy and Christina at Hard Times. At least we gave someone a new nickname: The Pissed Off Persian. I hate people that have those pissed off looks on their faces all the time, and then an attitude to boot. Eff her, and yes, I would. Then off to Whitlows and the place was shit. I had never really had a bad time there, but that was the first. We actually had to leave because between the people and the band, it was horrible.

I offered Wade $200 to do this scene on stage, but he passed:

Would've made a GREAT story. Sexual Chocolate!!

Saturday I spent recovering and then off to a VW BBQ hosted by Eurotrash Matt. It was a good look. Dude's cooler than a fan to hang out with and I got to catch up w/ Nate and Jason. Funny, we're all cousins, live 5 miles from one another, however, we never chill. I always thought that was a funny thing. I didn't think the mosquitos were as humerous as I am riddled with bug bites. I would bless yall w/ pics, however, I still don't have that camera.

Sunday made up for everything. I did my thing as usual, however, Old Michelle had brought up a point to Shad about every Memorial and Labor Days, we always go out and chill. Funny fact, but it's been true in retrospect. Liberty Tavern repped hard, but then we repped harder. Such a good time at that place. Bumped into people we knew from YEARS back and more recent years too. And met up w/ some dope chicks from MD and Boston too. It was definitely a good look overall. Beligerance ensued as usual when we went to get food. But we finally settled at Ihop and met with Tatianna (spelling) and Serina (spelling). Some cute and fun ladies looking for some drunk food. I was going to approach them offering a FWE, however, that wasn't necessary. Needless to say we had a dope time together, and even on the ride home. :o

There's more detail in this, but it's long enough and everyone can get the idear. I'm searching for a good song to drop here, and none really comes to mind that would be so fitting. It is the end of summer, so I'm going to drop a good summer tune. I was spinning it on Sunday actually. And one more for good measure. Enjoy:

And everyone, be sure to check out Twan's new blog. It's mad intelligent and won't dumb down your IQ like this one. I placed it in my "Sharing Is Caring" list.