
Sittin' here watching the top 100 rap songs from VH1....

This is going to be a total music post, some cool tracks of note that have come up from the first 30:

Only because I can't find a fucking YouTube link:
Click and be surprised, you'll start groovin' guaranteed.

And lastly, I saw this video today and forgot how great this track is:

I love songs like this, and especially a great video that compliments. So simple, brings things back to a simple time. Tracks like this fuel the argument that De La will always be better than Tribe. Sorry if you're mad. :o

So I came to the realization that I have to stop teh reckless spending. Amazing how this damn check card has changed my life. The convenience is almost too much. Given times like these, it's time that I tie up some loose financial ends so to speak. So I'm going to place a moratorium on a lot of the spending and just try and focus on day to day life. I don't need more shoes, I don't need more tees or anything like that. I have enough scarves, and well, music, heh, I don't have to worry about that much anymore either. I might cop that Ironman DVD though. :o Dinner out and about? Maybe. But other than that, that's going to be it. Anyone else with me?

1 comment:

AC said...

Who says that Tribe is better than De La? I love Tribe and I don't know that I could ever say that...