
Good God, feels like forever

Well, I guess it has been. Funny that I realized I blogged a lot more when I went out more. I guess they go hand in hand, as I usually get myself into some shit when I'm out and worthy of talking about on here.

First off I'd like to publicly apologize for anyone that received an invitation to Going.com. Well, it's a site that notifies you of local shows, etc. that Twanzilla put me privy to. I registered using Gmail, and well, it pulled all email addys I've ever sent an email to from there. I forgot to deselect them and then hit "Okay." Apologies for my moment of being an internet rookie. :o

So last night DJ Z-Trip finally came back to DC. I've been waiting for this for quite sometime as I can barely remember the last time he came around, maybe 2 years or so ago. The venue was at the Rock and Roll Hotel in DC. I dig this place, a lot actually. It's filled w/ a fair amount of pretentious hipsters, however, it's definitely a cool place. I'd recommend this place to anyone even for a few dranks, and not just seeing shows.

Z-Trip did his thing as usual. There's something about the way he puts together his play lists, you cannot help but feel like dancin'. I would've done more if I were more drunk, and there was more room, and well if there was AC (place was a god damn locker room). But he did lay out some funky tunes, from AC/DC, to Pantera, to A-Ha, to MIA, and some random techno stuff. My favorite part was the MIA "Paper Planes" with Pharcyde "Passin' Me By." Amazing though because almost every blend I've seen or heard him make, it's like one of those "Ohhhhhhhhh yeah" moments that make you wonder why you didn't think of that.

But, I actually didn't like parts of this performance, which is odd. Maybe it was the crowd that turned me off to this or whatever, but the biggest was him playing Journey "Don't Stop Believing" I'm not even going to link that due to my disdain of this song. Attn Z-Trip: You're better than that. Fort and I decided that this was the musical equivalent of shooting fish in a barrell. I guess that's the thing about being a DJ, you always have to play what most of the crowd gets wet on.

Second thing was the political issues. It's no secret that I favored Obama, I went to a rally, and am even taking off work for the inauguration, however, I didn't feel that it was super necessary that he go into his Obama mix. I think the main issue was the fact that I thought it was a ho-hum mix, that only had good parts. However, with that being said, I did enjoy the part that he did play. But dunno, just seemed forced.

Lastly, he played Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody." Again, no link for obvious reasons, however, the only good part of this track was from "Wayne's World." Would've been better if there were visuals and then just scratched that on a DVD mixer.

But again, always dope to see someone do this live. This was well worth the 2 1/2 hours sleep I got last night. :o

I got a new alarm clock program for the MBP here and am lovin' life. Turns on iTunes automatically and keeps joints rockin' on random. Ironically this played this morning:

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