
Jesus, it's been a long time

Out of blue. Sans the random phone blog that I set up, it's been a few months. Dunno who still has this on their RSS, but the few the might, it's still appreciated.

I grew tired of the Short Attention Span Theater crowd of the Good Book and Twitter (which I'm glad I'm not a part of). I needed something with some deeper meaning than making fun of some stupid C that didn't understand the terminal at the grocery store. Although, that was part of a painful afternoon.

I couldn't help but wonder though. When I'm 55 or so, with a kid (or plural), watching "Commando" wonder if my kids will sit there and be all :ugh: much like myself tonight stuck watching a John Wayne flick w/ Ron Sr. Never got it, but I could see him at this age never denying the awesomeness of John Wayne, much like we could never do that with Arnold. I mean, come on, the man carried tree trunks, smells people coming and has a knife gun for God's sake.

Too bad it left off the timeless classic:

I did not intend for this blog to take this route, but God damn, the man's 7 levels of awesome in this flick.

And in our enjoyable ending fashion, this song has been workin' me over a lot lately. Props to Fort for putting me on to them.

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