
Karma's a funny thing

I know, I have to fix the titles on this thing, I'll get to it. My Last.FM thing isn't working either. Ugh.

At any rate, I just thought that this was really random. A while back, my keychain (ironically a Nationwide one at that) failed me and caused me to lose my ONLY car key. However, I figured I'd check my front desk and wouldn't you know it, someone found my key and turned it in. Funny how a feeling of completeness comes over you when you find something that you thought was gone, regardless of how simple or mundane.

Well, on my way to the grocery store just now, I found a car key and keychain right in the hallway to the garage. I actually paused and was going to overlook it, but I figured that's the least that I could do for that particular someone. I hope they get it back.

Oh and even more random? I'm sure others can relate, but go peep Ironman. You'll see the Dude, yes, Jeffery Lebowski, as the costar of the movie. Poor Jeff Bridges, "The Big Lebowski" positively ruined his acting steez from that point on. To boot, he was drinking throughout the whole flick. Therefore, I leave yall with this:

I am in absolute tears posting this right now....

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