
Saudi Arabia! Hatin' on women since the 5th century BC!

Well, it's 2008, and god bless news casters that we have and the pillars of journalism they really are. The little gem of information that Saudi Arabia still not allowing women to drive was dropped during their entrance. God damn, it's 2008 and somen can't drive there w/o the "permission of a male guardian." Damn, just damn. And of all times to drop that type of information.

So, this week has given me feeling of completeness (is that a word?). I've gotten back in the habit of moving my music over to the HD here and it's given me a chance to dl albums that I've forgotten and/or lost over the years. I love how music makes you feel. I think I've commented on this before, however, they say that scent is the strongest sense tied to memory. I can attest to that, however, when I hear certain songs that I've forgotten about, my mind starts working a mile a minute. And to boot, someone at work found a CD that I thought was all but lost. I never thought I'd see that again, but it showed up in a random computer at the office. Even Steven? Maybe.....

Second part of the complete theme is, well, you can guess it. I won't go into things a whole for hte sake of some privacy, but let's just say that I'm feeling pretty damn good. I hope it continues.

I'll end it w/ this gem. Found this CD single last night. For those that know me, I played the fuck out of this song, but fuck it. The whole damn thing is fire:

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